The 39 Clues
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Canon Characters Empty Canon Characters

Post by Bree Helvetica McIntyre Sat Aug 18, 2012 4:08 pm

Post here if you would like a CANON Character for your Character. You must do a character sheet for the character. If i have forgotten any characters please tell me in a PM.
  • Amy Cahill: Born as Amy Hope Cahill. She was only 7 years old when her parents died.
  • Dan Cahill: Born as Daniel Arthur Cahill. He was only 4 years old when his parents died.
  • Hope Cahill: Hope Trent née Cahill-Hartford (from Attleboro, USA[34]) is the daughter of Grace Cahill.[34] She is Amy and Dan Cahill's mother who is an archaeologist.[52] She met Arthur Trent when she was in Istanbul, Turkey,[52] and later married him. She perished in her burning house with Arthur when she was forty-one years old.[7][32][34] The fire was started by Isabel Kabra.[6] She is a Madrigal. Her card is #247.[9]
  • Arthur Trent: Arthur Josiah Trent[7] (from Attleboro, USA[34]) is the husband of Hope Cahill.[34] He is Amy and Dan Cahill's father who is a nonlinear dynamics and quantum field theory professor.[7] He is a United States Military Academy drop-out. Arthur Trent was born into a family with close ties to the Vespers(the only other family that knows about the 39 clues excluding the Cahills.)He was raised to believe that the Cahills were weaklings and that the power of the clues belonged in Vesper hands. He had been sent to Turkey to find Hope and make her fall in love with him. However,when Arthur actually met his beautiful target, something happened. He was enchanted by her intelligence,her kindness, and the way her nose twitched when she laughed. In Turkey, Arthur then learned some terrifying information about the Vespers. He realized that he needed to cut his ties to the organization, although the act would put him in danger for the rest of his life. Before he proposed, Arthur told Hope the truth about his background, but Hope already knew. William McIntyre's spies had been following him for months. He was believed to have perished in his burning house with Hope when he was forty-two years old, but in the book A King's Ransom it is revealed that he is alive and still a Vesper. [7][32][34][52] The fire was started by Isabel Kabra.[6] He is not a Madrigal,but was one of the most active people in the Madrigals.[53] His card is #246.[9]
  • Fiske Cahill/Man In Black/Man In Gray: Fiske Green-Cahill (from Attleboro, USA[34][54]) is the brother of Grace Cahill.[34] An artist, Fiske was last seen leaving his painting studio before his disappearance forty-six years ago.[54] Today, he is now disguising himself as an unknown assailant termed the Man In Black due to his oily-black suit that hides his entire body.[55] He has been spying on the other teams since then. In the ninth book, he is shortly known as the Man In Gray, only to reveal his true identity to Amy and Dan Cahill later on. In the last book, he tells Amy and Dan about the Vespers, and later on adopts Amy and Dan.[5] He is a Madrigal. His official card is #198 for his true identity, #203 for his alter ego Man In Black, and #208 for his other identity Man In Gray.[9]
  • Saladin: Saladin (from Attleboro, USA[56]) is the Egyptian Mau of Grace Cahill. He is very fond of red snappers.[57]He is named after Saladin, whose full name was Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub, and who was the Muslim prince who led the Muslims during the Crusades. Since the death of Grace, Saladin was missing until Amy and Dan Cahill found him, and has joined them in the hunt since then. He is a Madrigal. His cards are #33, #140, and #202.[9]
  • Nathaniel Hartford: Nathaniel Hartford (from Cambridge, USA[34]) is the husband of Grace Cahill.[34] He was killed by Isabel Kabra while at Moscow, Russia since he was looking for revenge from Isabel Kabra for killing his daughter, Hope Cahill.[34] He is a Madrigal. He does not have a card.
  • Beatrice Cahill: Beatrice Green-Cahill (from Attleboro, USA[34]) is the sister of Grace Cahill.[34] She is the mean, arrogant daughter of James Cahill who accepted the responsibility of taking care of Amy and Dan Cahill.[30] She is not involved in the hunt, since she took the million dollars instead. She knows how it affected the lives of their family. She sent a private investigator after Amy and Dan after they joined the hunt, but after long efforts, stopped on finding them. She has been divorced thrice to, namely: Stephano Breglio, Jean-Luc Benoit, and Sergei Baskov. She is an inactive Madrigal. She does not have a card.
  • James Cahill: James St. James Cahill (from Attleboro, USA[34]) is the father of Grace Cahill.[34] He is a Madrigal and the half-brother of Gordon Oh. He does not have a card.
  • Edith Green: Edith Cahill née Schneider-Green (from Attleboro, USA[34]) is the mother of Grace Cahill.[34] She is a Madrigal. She does not have a card.
  • Henry Cahill: Henry Cahill (from Attleboro, USA) is the paternal grandfather of Grace Cahill.[34] He is both married to Flora Cahill St. James and Hae-In Oh. He is a Madrigal. He does not have a card.
  • Flora Cahill St. James: Flora Cahill née Cahill-St. James (from Attleboro, USA) is the paternal grandmother of Grace Cahill.She is both married to Henry Cahill and Hatta Oh.[34] She is a Madrigal. She does not have a card.
  • Hae-In Oh: Hae-In Cahill née Oh (from Seoul, South Korea) is the paternal step-grandmother of Grace Cahill.[34] She is an Ekat.She is both married to Hatta Oh and Henry Cahill.She does not have a card.
  • Hattaaa Oh: Hatta Oh (from Seoul, South Korea) is the paternal step-grandfather of Grace Cahill.He is an Ekat.He is both married to Hae-In-Oh and Flora Cahill St. James.He does not have a card.
  • Gordon Oh: Gordon Oh (from Seoul, South Korea) is the twin of Bae Oh, and the half-uncle of Grace Cahill. He is also the father of Alistair Oh.[6] He was murdered by Bae sixty years ago.[6] He is an Ekat. His official card is #227.[9]
  • Lin Kim: Lin Oh née Kim (from Seoul, South Korea) is the step-aunt of Grace Cahill.[34] She is Gordon Oh's wife and Alistair Oh's mother. She is an Ekat. She does not have a card.
  • Bae Oh: For information, see Bae Oh.
  • Alistair Oh: The uncle of Amy and Dan, he was raised by his own uncle, the evil Bae Oh (who hired a man to murder Alistair's father). He made many alliances with Amy and Dan. In Book 3, he faked his own death and then stole the Clue, running off to take revenge on Bae. It did not take long for Amy and Dan to realize that Alistair's death was fake. However, he gained their trust again in Book 4, and he was the one who helped them find the next few leads. He gave Amy and Dan a trip to the possible location of a Clue in In Too Deep, and all three of them were trapped in his apartment, which was set on fire by Isabel Kabra. He escaped without helping anyone else out, but Amy and Dan got out after Irina Spasky saved them (and died in the process). Alistair once tricked Bae into admitting he had Gordon murdered, and Bae was taken to a Madrigal prison, where he was tortured to death.
  • Uncle Jose: Jose Correa (from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) is one of Grace Cahill's long-distance cousins, referred by Amy and Dan Cahill as "Uncle Jose".[58] He is one of those chosen by Grace to participate in the hunt, but took the million dollars.[58]
    Cousin Ingrid: Ingrid Martinson (from Oslo, Norway) is one of Grace Cahill's long distance nieces, referred by Amy and Dan Cahill as "Cousin Ingrid".[58] She is one of those chosen by Grace to participate in the hunt, but took the million dollars.[58

  • Bree Helvetica McIntyre

    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2012-05-26
    Age : 23

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